District Administrators: For credit information on our courses, please see our University Credits, Units, and Transcripts page.
Course prices are changing!
As of X/X/X, Fresno Pacific University will begin charging $85 per unit, instead of $80 per unit.
All our courses are through Fresno Pacific University and accredited by WASC.
Earn units for doing things you ALREADY do after school…
Complete graduate-level coursework on Google Classroom at your own pace.
And did we mention, affordable?
We know that finding time in your busy teacher life to advance on the salary schedule is hard enough ALREADY, so we keep our prices as low as we can.
Do you wish you had a more organized way to track your salary advancement journey? Have you taken courses from several institutions and it can be time-consuming finding all the information you need? Enter your email below to join our mailing list and receive a free download!
We know that quality professional development for teachers should not put you into further debt. It should improve your skills as an educator and advance your salary: AFFORDABLY.
*This information reflects the prices of other popular teacher continuing education institutions as of April 2024. Prices of other institutions may fluctuate based on a variety of factors: time of year, sales periods, discount codes, etc. Each competitor provides online, self-paced courses that provide graduate-level semester units or credits, like us.
1. Select a course.
2. Enroll in the course and pay our Jump Into PD Course Fee ($40 per unit).
3. Enroll in the same course again at Fresno Pacific University and pay their fee ($80 per unit).
4. Complete your course on Google Classroom.
And that’s it! Simply request your transcript from Fresno Pacific University and submit to your district’s Human Resources Department. For additional info about this step, see our University Units, Credits, and Transcripts page.
Ready to begin? Click the “Browse Courses” button below to get started!
Enter your email address below to download a copy of our Salary Schedule Advancement Tracker and opt in to receive emails from Cathy and Jennica.
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