District Administrators: For credit information on our courses, please see our University Credits, Units, and Transcripts page.
Will your school district accept units from Jump Into PD Salary Advancement Courses? Most do, but let’s find out.
According to a study done by the National Council on Teacher Quality (2019), 61% of school districts pay teachers according to a “salary schedule”, where teachers receive incremental pay raises for additional years of experience AND by earning additional degrees, graduate-level credit, etc. An example of a salary schedule from San Diego Unified School District in California can be seen HERE. Note that as the years of experience (steps) increase as you go further down the schedule, annual pay increases. Additionally, as the degrees and/or amount of graduate-level credits increases, annual pay increases as well.
Therefore, a teacher with a Bachelor’s degree entering their fourth year in this district earns $65,481.06 annually. To find out whether your district uses this model, check out your school district’s website or contact Human Resources.
Once you have determined whether or not your district utilizes a salary schedule, you need to find out whether your district approves our institution and our courses for salary advancement (continue below).
As we continue to grow and expand, our relationships with school districts will as well. The great thing about Jump Into PD is that once one teacher requests approval from the district, all teachers are approved to use that institution moving forward. To crossreference our growing list of districts that have pre-approved our courses, CLICK HERE (coming soon!).
If your school district is not yet listed, do not worry! All you need to do is:
1. Go to google.com. Type in the name of your school district and Human Resources like this: “[Name of District] Human Resources“.
2. Once on the HR page for your school district, locate a section titled “Contact Us” or anything similar. Your goal is to find a phone number or an email address of someone in HR who deals with salary or credentialing.
3. Once you have located this information, feel free and use this email template to help you draft your request. Some districts may require you to complete a form, whereas others may simply say that as long as the institution is accredited, the units are accepted.
4. If your school district provides you with pre-approval for our courses, please complete this google form and let us know so we can add your district to our growing list.
All salary advancement courses created by teachers at Jump Into PD are provided through Fresno Pacific University. These courses offer graduate-level professional development semester units of credit that are not part of a degree program, but are designed alongside school districts to provide teachers with units to advance them on the salary schedule. These courses are primarily designed for individuals that have baccalaureate degrees and appropriate teaching credentials. To view our complete list of courses listed on both ours and Fresno Pacific University’s website, click here.
Fresno Pacific University is accredited by the Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and authorized to offer professional development coursework through their Office of Continuing Education. As noted on the transcript legend, one unit of credit is associated with 15 hours of classroom instruction.
All workshop courses have course numbers between 1000 and 1999 and are categorized as graduate-level university credit offered through the Center for Professional Development for workshops and conferences, and not part of a degree program. This is the category our courses fall under.
A grade of Credit/No Credit (CR or NC) will be issued for all coursework. Credit is equivalent to a B grade or better. Letter grades are not issued.
When you have completed your course, your instructor will submit your grade to Fresno Pacific University as soon as they are able (typically within 1-5 days). When you grade is submitted, your instructor will reach out to you via email. Your grade will be reflected in your FPU Account Portal within 7 days of your grade being submitted to FPU, and then you may obtain an Official Transcript. To do this, login to your account at ce.fresno.edu, click on My Account, then click on Order Transcripts.
Click the buttons below to view samples of the transcripts you may obtain upon completion of Jump Into PD’s Salary Advancement Courses.
Prior to beginning a salary advancement course with Jump Into PD, it is wise to consult with your district’s Human Resources or Personnel Department for pre-approval. District policies can sometimes change suddenly, so we always recommend doing this immediately prior to course enrollment. Some districts require a simple phone call or email, while others may have a specific form for you to complete on the district website. Regardless of the method, when you are requesting approval, be sure and use the following information:
Institution: Fresno Pacific University
Accreditation: Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).
Unit Type: Graduate-level professional development semester units of credit (not part of a degree program)
Unit Hours: Each unit corresponds to fifteen 50-minute hours of classroom instruction.
Grading: Courses are graded on a Credit/No Credit basis. Official, sealed transcripts indicating units acquired on Fresno Pacific Letterhead are available after coursework has been graded. Credit is equivalent to a B grade or better. Letter grades are not issued.
Course Name(s) I’d Like To Enroll In: XXX ####
Link to Course Descriptions: Click here
For a sample email outlining all the important information your school district may need to give you pre-approval, click here.
Enter your email address below to download a copy of our Salary Schedule Advancement Tracker and opt in to receive emails from Cathy and Jennica.
© Copyright JIR Enterprises, Inc. Site design by Make Waves Design. Ongoing customization by Jennica Harrison.