District Administrators: For credit information on our courses, please see our University Credits, Units, and Transcripts page. 

Salary Advance Courses for Teachers | Jump Into PD

HBM 1729 (1 unit)

“Effective teachers MANAGE their classrooms, whereas ineffective teachers DISCIPLINE their classrooms.” – Harry and Rosemary Wong.

Learn how to be a more effective K-12 teacher with this 4 part book study series on “The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher (5th edition)”. So many teachers believe that classroom management = discipline, and this isn’t necessarily their fault because that is what is taught in education classes. Classroom management is the combination of organizational, structural, and procedural strategies and planning that teachers do to get things done that maximize learning and minimize misbehavior. Scroll down to learn more about this course!

*Note that this is part 1 of a 4 course series.

Total Cost with University Credit:
How It Works:
Pay an initial course fee to Jump Into PD for course access. Before you complete the course, pay the remaining balance to Fresno Pacific University and order your transcript. More info.

HBM 1729 (1 unit)

15 hours
All levels
0 lessons
0 quizzes
3 students


  • Google/Gmail account
  • Purchase of the book "The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher (5th edition)" by Harry and Rosemary Wong


  • All coursework is available online
  • Self-paced
  • Created by educators FOR educators
  • Google Classroom makes coursework simple and easy to use

Target audiences

  • Teachers who want to advance on the salary schedule
  • Teachers interested in learning new classroom management techniques
  • Teachers who are struggling with classroom and behavior management
  • Elementary teachers
  • Middle school teachers
  • High school teachers
  • New AND Veteran Teachers

Before you enroll in one of our courses, please be sure and review our “How It Works” page.

What is covered in HBM1729 The First Days of School 1?

In this first course in the series, you will read the first 10 chapters of the book The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher (5th edition) by Harry and Rosemary Wong. These chapters involve the basic understandings that all effective teachers have and the power of positive expectations on student success. Although the focus of course 1 is primarily knowledge-based, there are numerous opportunities for you to implement real, immediate changes to your classroom, teaching practices, and lessons.

Why do you recommend this book so highly?

Because all the salary advancement courses by Jump Into PD are created by real teachers, we understand the teacher life. This book hugely influenced Jump into PD Cofounder (and creator of this course series) Jennica Harrison’s approach to classroom management and her plans for the first two weeks of school. All it took was one read and she decided to create a Classroom Management Plan of her own. 

Teachers are rarely given specific and actionable tips and tricks, but this book is different. If you have not read it before, we can almost guarantee that it will impact your teaching in MANY ways- new and veteran teachers alike. Aside from the book being so helpful, the coursework we created around the book’s content is straightforward, no fluff, and offers highly valuable teacher professional learning. Where we honestly feel the book may be lacking, we supplement with additional resources, activities, and coursework. 

Still not convinced?

1. Watch the video. The “lies, lies, lies” comment is hysterical!

2. Read the book’s reviews on Amazon.

3. Check out the Wong’s website- EffectiveTeaching.org

4. Review Course 1’s syllabus and preview one of our assignments.

5. Buy the book BEFORE you enroll! 

When should this course be taken?

As of summer 2024, we recommend that teachers plan to complete all four courses before beginning the 2024-2025 school year. Although that may *sound* stressful, if you plan to be in your classroom ANYWAYS (preparing for the year outside your contract hours), you may as well earn units for it. And if your recent experiences have been anything like ours, we definitely could benefit from a bit more preparation before next year…

Course Info - At A Glance

Course Name:

HBM1729 The First Days of School 1

Grade Level


# of units

1 unit or credit


Classroom Management

Type of Course

Book Study

Classroom access?

Required for The First Days of School 4

Attention! A personal google/gmail account is required to access all coursework via Google Classroom.

*Be sure to get school district course approval PRIOR to enrolling if taking courses for salary advancement.

This course is part of a series:

| This course |

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Hey there! My name is Jennica and I am a classroom educator with experience teaching a wide-range of science classes at the high school level. For more information about me please see the ABOUT section of our site.