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Adapted by Jennica Harrison | High School Science Teacher and Cofounder of Jump Into PD
Jennica Harrison, Cofounder of Jump Into PD, is a huge champion of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and of science storyline curriculums in high school classrooms. She first began pioneering the use of the NGSS-aligned curriculums like Inquiry Hub (iHub) Biology and iHub Chemistry in the 2019-2020 school year and has continued their use since then.
Although she absolutely loves the storylines and the ideas presented in the curriculum, she understands the many issues that plague them when they are actually used in real classrooms. Issues like storylines being too long, inaccurate pacing, far too much reading and writing (and too little fun!), and a complete lack of any direct instruction, over the years she has transformed the curriculum from its initial condition to a new and improved version. She also plans to continue improving them each year as well as expand into overhauling the new OpenSciEd High School curricula that is currently being released.
Because of all her experience with implementing NGSS-aligned curricula, she decided to create Jump Into Science, a subsidiary of Jump Into PD, to act as a hub for all her science resources for K-12 teachers to access.
Click here to view all my curricular materials.
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