District Administrators: For credit information on our courses, please see our University Credits, Units, and Transcripts page. 

Salary Advance Courses for Teachers | Jump Into PD

HBM1726 (1 unit)

We know now that traditional grading systems need to go. The question is, what do we replace it with?

Explore the remaining chapters in the book “Grading for Equity” by Joe Feldman with part 2 of this book study course. Click here for part 1. Dive in to chapters 6-15 and explore Feldman’s 20+ immediately implementable equitable grading practices you can start using right now (or next year) in your classroom. The 0-4 scale, standards based grading, not penalizing grades for late work, mandatory retakes, among others. Scroll down to read more!

*Note that this is part 2 of a 2 course series.

Total Cost with University Credit:
How It Works:
Pay an initial course fee to Jump Into PD for course access. Before you complete the course, pay the remaining balance to Fresno Pacific University and order your transcript. More info.

HBM1726 (1 unit)

15 hours
All levels
0 lessons
0 quizzes
0 students


  • Google/Gmail account
  • Purchase of the book "Grading for Equity" by Joe Feldman


  • All coursework available online
  • Self-paced
  • Created by educators FOR educators
  • Google Classroom makes coursework simple and easy to use

Target audiences

  • Teachers who want to advance on the salary schedule
  • Teachers who want to switch (or have to switch) to standards based grading
  • High School Teachers
  • New Teachers

Before you enroll in one of our courses, please be sure and review our “How It Works” page.

What is covered in HBM1726 Grading for Equity 2?

In this second course in the series, you will finish exploring the book Grading for Equity by Joe Feldman from Chapter 6 through the Epilogue. These chapters showcase Feldman’s “New Vision of Grading” and include the more practical of his advice including over 20 equitable grading practices teachers can begin using immediately in their classrooms. A perfect blend of theory and practical knowledge, explore his recommendations like avoiding zeroes, the 0-4 grading scale, weighting more recent achievement, grading based on individual (not group) grades, no extra credit, no late penalties, alternative consequences for cheating, excluding participation and effort from the grade, grades based entirely on summative assessments, no homework grades, rubrics, standards scales, tests without points, standards based grading, emphasizing self-regulation, creating a community of feedback, student trackers, and more.

Why do you recommend this book so highly?

Because all the salary advancement courses by Jump Into PD are created by real teachers, we understand the teacher life. This book hugely influenced Jump into PD Cofounder Jennica Harrison’s philosophy and grading system. All it took was one read and she decided to switch to using standards based grading, a 0-4 scale, rubrics, not penalizing for late work, and offering retakes. She has never looked back but is also fully aware of the aches and pains associated with the transition from traditional grading to standards based. Aside from the book being so helpful, the coursework we created around the book’s content is straightforward, no fluff, and offers highly valuable teacher professional learning. 

Still not convinced you should read this book? Check out this post on the Teacher Subreddit…. Proof that other teachers love this book, too!

Course Info - At A Glance

Course Name:

HBM1726 Grading for Equity 2

Grade Level


# of units

1 unit or credit



Type of Course

Book Study

Classroom access?

Not necessary

Attention! A personal google/gmail account is required to access all coursework via Google Classroom.

*Be sure to get school district course approval PRIOR to enrolling if taking courses for salary advancement.

This course is part of a series:

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Hey there! My name is Jennica and I am a classroom educator with experience teaching a wide-range of science classes at the high school level. For more information about me please see the ABOUT section of our site.