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Explore one of the BEST classroom management books out there with this book study series: Teach Like a Champion. Written by fellow teacher Doug Lemov, his collection of 63 immediately implementable teaching techniques will transform your approach to managing the classroom and ...
Teachers: If you have ever heard a student utter the phrase "I don't know", and they seem to NEVER know, this series is for you. In this second course in the series, participants will explore chapters 4 and 5 of "Teach Like a Champion 3.0" by Doug Lemov. We will dive into t...
"After asking a question of the class, most teachers wait about a second before taking an answer" (Lemov, 2021). Teachers, if you have never considered how the amount of wait time you give affects your classroom culture, this series is for you. In this third course in the s...
One thing new teachers often do not realize is that ALL teachers, no matter what subject they teach, are English teachers. ALL teachers are responsible for furthering the speaking, reading, and writing skills of students in their classroom. However, without any guidance on how...
Although typically rarely mentioned in teacher preparation programs, the most important lessons you will teach in your classroom has everything to do with procedures and routines. Until you master that, teaching content will be an uphill battle. In this fifth course in the ...
One of the easiest and most transformative changes a teacher can make that will highly affect the success of their students is mastering the art of positivity and a calm, but demanding demeanor. Lecturing and raising the volume of your voice rarely works, so let's discuss an a...
"When everything a student does is graded, and every mistake counts against her grade, that student can perceive that to receive a good grade she has to be perfect all of the time." - Joe Feldman. We have to stop teaching our students that mistakes are not allowed. How do ...
The idea that F's and failing grades motivate students to improve is proven to be a myth, so why have our grading systems remain unchanged since the Industrial Revolution Explore the game-changing insights in the book "Grading for Equity" by Joe Feldman. His words will make...
"Effective teachers MANAGE their classrooms, whereas ineffective teachers DISCIPLINE their classrooms." - Harry and Rosemary Wong. Learn how to be a more effective K-12 teacher with this 4 part book study series on "The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher (...
"If you stress over the possibility of misbehavior, then it’s a sign your [behavior] management is in need of an overhaul."- Michael Linsin. Learn how to be a more effective K-12 teacher with this 4 part book study series on "The First Days of School: How to Be an Effecti...
"I felt isolated and scared in the weeks leading up to my first day as a teacher. I wanted to be great, but didn't know what I should be doing to start the school year strong."- Tyler Hester Learn how to be a more effective K-12 teacher with this 4 part book study series on...
"1 hour of setting up your classroom is worth 16 hours of PD."- a teacher on Reddit. We agree!! Learn how to be a more effective K-12 teacher with this 4 part book study series on "The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher (5th edition)". In the final (and pr...
We know now that traditional grading systems need to go. The question is, what do we replace it with Explore the remaining chapters in the book "Grading for Equity" by Joe Feldman with part 2 of this book study course. Click here for part 1. Dive in to chapters 6-15 and exp...
REVOLUTIONIZE your science pedagogy, curriculum, AND align your course to the Next Generation Science Standards WHILE you earn units to advance your salary. Explore the hottest new science teaching trend: the storyline curricular model. More than a trend, however, it is a new ...
It is fairly accurate to say that by now, most science teachers have been to one of those staff trainings where you and your colleagues gathered together in an empty classroom and discussed what you noticed and wondered about the NGSS standards. What if instead of attending mo...
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